Sacrificial Sounds - Cultu Mortuo Vol. 2 (Tape)

Compilation tape limited to 100 pro copies.
1.Revelation None - Feasting on the Cosmos 05:38
2.Maeskyyrn - Tainted Shores 07:24
3.Wintaar - Fall in Nosgoth 02:47
4.Rübezahl - Of Night and Eternal Cold 07:31
5.Ravenfield - Dead Voices Calling Me 03:45
6.Airengrav - Unleash the Dogs 03:34
7.Svneatr - The Hunt 05:23
8.Blitzgeist - Trodden Under Iron Hooves 05:09
9.Fidelis - Flesh of the Holy in My Gut (Demo) 06:19
10.Ninhursag - Uva Ursa 08:25